Thursday, April 09, 2009

date downtown

Last week Sophia, Elizabeth, and I headed downtown to the Children's Theatre
to see a production of Charlotte's Web. Isaac decided last year that he's a
big boy and doesn't think he should be seeing plays anymore. Whatever.
I'm a big girl and I love 'em.



The girls are waiting for the theatre to fill up and the show to start!


Southern Latitudes said...

I miss doing theater stuff. The only time I see a live performance is when we go to a theme park and see some act in an air conditioned building.

Hope it was wonderful.

ox, nana said...

I remember as a child going to the theater and symphony through our public school enrichment program. It was 'doubly fun' being entertained, and out of school at the same time! Those were the 'good ole days'!

Now many years (OK decades) later, Sophia (dgdaughter) does it as a happy homeschooler along with her dolly, and her mommy :)

Lucky girls!